Archive for July, 2017


Posted: July 19, 2017 in Uncategorized

I have always tried to figure out how to have deep friendships and feel like my friends and I have that close relationship. It’s a hard thing to come by and sometimes, it feels like you are the only one trying.

When I saw “Known: Finding Deep Friendships in a Shallow World” by Dick and Ruth Foth, I thought that maybe this book would help me in my quest to have a deep relationship.

In this book, Dick starts each chapter with his personal insights. He talks about how as kids, we made friends just by playing with the other kids. Friendships happened during the play.  He goes on to say that as you go places and do things, try to do that with others and sometimes a few of those relationships will become friendships. After all, friends are those people who know who you are and still like you. Put simply, they are the person who is there. At the end of the chapter, Ruth adds her input. As an introvert, she has a different viewpoint than her extroverted husband. She wants to give her input to show that even the introverted can be happy with the friendships they have.

The book is divided into different sections. The first set of four is categorized as: Recognize What’s True About Life. The four topics are: The Great Alone, the Grand Design, What’s a Friend, and The Case for Conversation. The next set is: Story is the Soil from Which Friendship Grows. The topics in this set are God, the Storyteller, Man, the Storyteller, Your Starting Place, How to Read a Walking Book, and A Journal and a Velcro Ribbon. There are 3 more sets after that.

Honestly, I didn’t get past the first set of 4. I tried but life caught up to me and I just can’t seem to continue with this book. I have tried. It seemed good at the beginning, but as I read farther into the topics I realized that I wasn’t able to concentrate on what was being said. I like reading but I couldn’t stay focused. To me, it looked like the book could be good, and I would say to try it. I just couldn’t continue and ended up giving up around The Case for Conversation.

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About the Author

“I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.”