Posts Tagged ‘fun’

Have I made you antsy to see this? Okay well I guess I should just come out and let you see how I handled this.. be aware, this is not for the faint of heart.. 

Hope this was what you were hoping for! 

I really enjoyed this, and it was worth trying!

Time, you never seem to have enough of it.

When you do have time to do something fun, the sadness comes when you realize that you will be spend the fun time on your own because unfortunately, your friends are busy when you aren’t. Life would be better if our schedules were better organized and not so haphazardly laid out. My friends schedule seem to be all over the place, or just completely opposite of my schedule.

My schedule is set, my time is set for when I have to be at work. I don’t have a crazy schedule, in fact, if you want to make plans…. I can tell you exactly what my schedule looks like for the most part. I would have to look at my calendar only for the weekend days, and that is just to see if I work the Fri or the Sat.

I admit that with the schedules that me and my friends keep, we start to miss each other. It’s sad when you have to set aside time a month in advance just to be able to spend a few hours with a good friend. That is the way life is though, it just sends you scrambling to try to make things work out, paths cross, time work in our favor.

I am at that point right now. The last time I saw some of my friends was before Halloween, which some may say wasn’t too far ago. I do understand that, but I want to try to see my friends so that we don’t lose the connection that we have at this point. You lose a little bit of your connection to the people you care about a little every day, as their lives go on, events happen, life continues, and they continue down the road.. and you do the same as you live and have things in life happen. It’s just inevitable and there is nothing you can do to change it, you just have to roll with it.

I want to try to make things better, make time more open (I don’t have a clue how), be more available (though I am available 24/7 to all my friends), and be ready to lend them some of my time.

It’s a currency that you spend but you can’t get any back. The time you use, you lose. Make it count if you can, because what you have is what you get. You can’t add any, you can’t barter for more, you can’t purchase extra time. Nothing changes the time that we have, but there is something that I hope you don’t forget… Though you can’t change time, you can make it worthwhile.

Spend your time in a way that feels like it was worth the amount of time you used. Friends to me, are always a great way that time can be used. I want to spend my time on things that matter and are worth my while .. my friends, family, my dog…. all the things that add meaning to my life!

What are you spending time on? Is it worth your while?