Posts Tagged ‘Forever Friday’

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This book is a wonderful read. The story starts with Adam. He is divorced and trying to figure out what went wrong in his marriage. He ends up finding a photo album of postcards at an estate sale that he is running. He feels an attachment to the postcards, so he hides them so no one knows they are there and then reads through them himself. He decides to contact someone that would know more about the couple who they belonged to. This story is told in different viewpoints and timeframes. I enjoyed the change in time and point of view. I felt like I was part of the story right from the beginning. Hank and Gabe truly were a love at first sight type of couple. They had found the way to keep a marriage alive, and not get tempted by divorce. Switching from Gabe’s point of view to Hank’s viewpoint in the future was a different way to tell the story. It kept me entertained and I believe that this story will definitely touch your heart.

 “I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.”